My Daughter wrote me a poem some years ago. As Father’s Day came and went, I reflected on the poem. It is still one of my favorite poems.

Dad is a verb, an action, you see,
By watching this man, you’ll know what to be.
For all of the stories, piggybacks, and games on the lawn,
Tickling, funny jokes, and fishing we’ve gone,
Isn’t it obvious that he’s a great guy?
He’s better than any gems we could buy.
He’s quite a romantic, writes poems for mom,
If she needs a helper, you know he’s Da Bomb!
My dad is a verb who leads FHE,
He reverently holds Priesthood responsibility.
He brings us together to read scriptures and pray,
A disciple of Christ, he is every day.
One Rose among thorns, he calls me his Princess,
And then with his heart, his hugs mean he loves us.
Dad is a verb, an action, it’s true,
Just look what he does for me and for you.
By Jennifer Adamson
The Top 10 Things About Dads

1. Dads are fun. It is not uncommon to see children clinging to a father’s arm or being tossed in the air by their father. Dads chase children around the park and the house. Anytime can be playtime when daddy is home.
2. Dads try to teach. The term dadquotes is so popular because dad tries to sneak in learning experiences whenever he can. My father had so many little sayings. From “the early bird gets the worm,” to “be true to the guy in the mirror.” My life was enriched by my father’s sayings.
3. Dads listen. When you have to explain how the vase in the front room got broken, in spite of the “no-rough-housing in the house” rule, dads will sit and listen to your explanations. When you want to talk about what you did at baseball or scout-camp, dads will listen. When you want to share your dreams and expectations, dads will listen.
4. Dads buy impromptu treats. My favorite part of going on a road trip with my dad was stopping at the gas station, before we left and picking up a candy bar, or a soda, or a package of cookies. Every experience is enhanced by sharing a treat with dad.
5. Dads make it to your sporting events. I could count on my father being in the crowd when I wrestled, played baseball, or basketball. I always had a supporter in the stands when I was playing a sport or performing. Dads are there, when they can be.
6. Dads are funny. My father had a new joke most every day. Whenever I was discouraged, disappointed, or just needed cheering up, dad was there with a new joke. Laughter really is the best medicine, and dad knew how to administer it.
7. Dads have the best shoulders to rest on. On those occasions when we had to wait for events to start or in between activities when we just had to wait, I could always count on being able to cuddle up to my dad and lay my head on his shoulder.
8. Dads let you get your hands dirty. Some of my fondest memories of my father are those where we worked side by side. Dad didn’t just show me how to work, he encouraged me to get right in the middle of the project. Dad was OK if it didn’t get done as well as he would have done it, it was more important that I got a chance to try my hand at it and sometimes get a little messy through the adventure.
9. Dads are loud! They like playful and constructive noises. Its OK to scream and squeal with delight while playing games with dad. Its OK to yell at the top of your lungs when its your turn to be goofy. Dads like goofy things, even when they are loud.
10. Dads are the best examples. Dads teach with their actions. With dad around, you don’t have to listen to a sermon, you see a sermon every day!

(Oh, and did I forget to mention, they take embarrassing pictures of their kids!)
Some of my Favorite Books About Dads

Showing Dad that you Love Him.

Great Times with Dad

This one gives you the opportunity to write in the book and tell dad what you love about him. I LOVE this idea!

The Joys of Being a Father and the little milestones in you baby’s life.
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