Got Your Reads?

Amazon makes it easy to pack your reading with you. I have often wished that I had brought my book when I needed to wait at the Doctor’s Office, or wait in the car for a child to finish with band, dance, or other activities.

When I have my Kindle, I have a library where ever I go. I always have the latest book that I am reading. The Kindle keeps track of where I’m at in the book too. I don’t need a little piece of paper or card that gets lost each time I open a book.

I love being able to pull back up a reference book when I am at work. I remember a quote or instructions that are relevant to what I’m working on at the time, I search it on my Kindle, and there it is, right when I need it. If I had to search my paper-library, I probably wouldn’t have found the quote. What a difference it makes.

Now that I have Kindle, I’ll never go back!

Some of My Favorite Authors Are:

Who are some of your favorite authors? Or what are some of your favorite books?  

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