With Father’s Day is around the corner. I have a lot of fond memories of my father. He passed away some years ago, but he was my best friend while I was growing up. He had a LOT of sayings that shaped my life and continue to make a difference today.
Here are a few of my favorites:
It is better to be prepared and never get the opportunity, than to not be prepared when the opportunity comes along.
Life is like a mirror: it reflects back everything that you present to it. If you are tiered of seeing frowns all around, put a smile on your face and you will be amazed at how quickly those around you respond in like manner.
The hardest part of any task is deciding that you are going to do it! The second hardest part is deciding that you aren’t going to stop until it is done. You can have most any task completely conquered if you will do those two hardest things right up front!
Jump right to what you should be doing, all of your other problems will blow away like the sand!
Be yourself. An original is always way better than any imitation!
Isaac Newton once said, “If I have seen further than other men, it was because I was standing on the shoulders’ of giants.”
I have felt that way all of my life. The shoulders that I was on belonged to my father!

There are a few books that I would recommend for fathers everywhere. Here are a few of my favorites:

Which books would you recommend?
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