Category Archives: Book

The Book on Writing

Paula LaRocque Author

The Book on Writing is the definitive guide to writing well, her advice is sound, and writers will find clear and useful advice here. Paula has a way of teaching artful storytelling in a simple, basic, and accurate way. She demonstrates clarity, simplicity, and dignity with every word.

Writing Mechanics

One dozen guidelines to good writing.

Learn to keep sentences short, varied, and focused on one main idea. Paula teaches avoiding pretensions, gobbledygook, and euphemisms. She shows how to change long and difficult words to short and simple phrases that have meaning and accurate power. Avoiding jargon, fads, and cliches is also a point that she clarifies.

Always use the right word, clarity in thought and simplicity in structure. Avoid the long dependent phrase beginning, and prefer active verbs and active nouns to adverbs and adjectives. Cut the wordiness, get to the meaning of what you are saying, avoid vague qualifiers and prune prepositions. Get right to the point and stay there.

Story Telling Devices

A story requires a number of things. Paula explains which ones to pay attention to. Archetype, or the model to follow, character, plot. Analysis of a story and how the parts work together.

Don’t say everything: how to show rather than say, and how to create suspense and fulfillment by withholding information for the right time to reveal it. Involve the readers and make them do some work to draw conclusions and see beneath the covers.

Take a picture of the scene and display a character in a point of time. Use metaphor and symbol to give deeper meaning to the story and situation. Let the sound echo the sense, write fast, but edit slowly. Watch out for the speed-bumps on the way, and review the logic.

The Writers Handbook

The last section of the book is the writers handbook. It includes a short quiz, some myths that need to be dispelled, and a style guide and summary that you will return to again and again.

This really is the best writing guide that you will find.

Pick up Your Copy Today


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Author Publisher Entrepreneur APE

Guy Kawasaki and Shawn Welch

Three Parts to Play if You Want To Succeed as a Writer


Guy and Shawn explain how to write your book. They go over a lot of information that most people don’t have. From how to finance your book, to how to edit the book.

They go over tools that writers can use and what made the difference while they were putting their book together. Among the important details of creating a book, they discuss how to avoid the dreaded self-published look. Probably the most important part of getting your book off of the ground is to make it look professional.

They also go over how to get a professional looking cover, and how to design it so that it is effective in drawing in the target audience. The book cover and the title are the only thing most people see–and you get two seconds or less to make the impression that you want.

How to Publish Your Book

A basic understanding of book distribution is required. Knowing how to use the available distribution channels is a must. They cover Amazon, Apple, Barns and Noble, Google, and Kobo.

Discussions about converting your file to different formats for each of the distribution channels, how to sell your book directly to customers, how to use author-services companies, print-on-demand, and even how to price your book, are found in this inclusive volume.

Book Marketing is a Big Deal

Issues that involve book marketing are things like how to navigate Amazon, how to guerilla-market your book, how to build your brand, how to create a platform, how to use social media, how to use blog commenting, and how to pitch bloggers and reviewers.

The Case Study

They show how the principles in the book are applied with the case study for their own book. Nothing can be better than to see the principles espoused clearly demonstrated and the results examined.

Pick Up Your Copy Today

Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur

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Writing Faster 2K to 10K

Writing Faster

Every author dreams of writing faster, it is just part of the package. Isaac Asimov explained that if he found out that he had a terminal disease and would die soon, he wouldn’t get depressed, he would just write faster.

Rachel Aaron tells her story, and describes what it takes to write faster. What I found interesting about her book is that it the answer to faster writing is a little bit obvious, but she breaks it down and provides some templates, tools, and resources that really make writing faster a reality.

Creating a Novel

Rachel presents 5 steps (6 really) that will help any author organize their novel, starting from deciding which story to write to actually designing the plot. She helps any author build a firm foundation for their novel.

Creating Characters

Characters who write their own stories are those you can write quickly, and become endearing to readers. Rachel talks about the concept of agency, and helps authors develop a character sheet with details that help drive the character.

The Three-Act Story

Building a story with suspense and anticipation is required for today’s reader. The book explains how the architecture of the book, chapters, and scenes that will keep an audience interested to the very end.

Creating Scenes

A scene must do all of the following things:

Advance the story, reveal new information, pull the reader forward.

If a scene doesn’t do one of the above, it isn’t enough to progress the story and can’t be a scene on its own.

Editing for People Who Hate Editing

Rachel understands writers. Editing is a bother, and most authors try to avoid it. That is the wrong approach and will leave typos that will destroy the author’s credence with his or her audience. She explains how to make editing less painful and more productive. She introduces some tools, and helps authors get a grip on editing.

2K to 10K is a great book, it will help you write faster, and better.

Pick you your copy here:



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7 Secret Steps to Best Selling Author

Book By Dennis Eagle and Oliver Villegas

Kindle has created an opportunity that has never been seen in the literary world before. It provides a market place that can cater to every whim and desire, and is large enough for every author. The problem becomes being discovered somewhere in the 2.5 million titles on Kindle.

Getting At The Core Problem–Becoming a Best Seller

Dennis Eagle and Oliver Villegas attack the problems of writing a book, getting it published, getting it discovered, and selling copies. It is full of templates, checklists, and down to earth awesome author advice.

Best Selling Advice

The advice is immediately implementable and can be consumed in little bits and pieces. It is full of good questions and answers, routines for getting your ideas together and making sure that you  are addressing the needs of customers.

How to Market Your Book

The book spends a good deal of time on marketing, some good tactics to get a lot of search traffic, and other ways of promoting your book.

Comprehensive Book

Overall this is one of the most comprehensive books on developing a Kindle eBook out there. It is a good place for beginning authors to start, but has enough details and content that I haven’t seen anywhere else that it would be excellent for veterans as well.


Order Here: 7 Secret Steps to Best Selling Author


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How to Write For Kindle

A Non-Fiction Book in 72 Hours or Less

Nancy Hendrickson is a full-time author, she has 13 print books and several Kindle books. She really knows her stuff, and she has an excellent conversational style to her writing.

Nancy’s Credentials

She has a five step system to writing and publishing a book that really makes sense. Hendrickson walks you through the process and points out the important things that need to be done. She is also quick to point out just what is most likely to trip you up as a new or first-time author.

Writing Approach

Hendrickson’s approach is high on quality rather than quantity. Her pet peeve appears to be the proliferation of junk eBooks—and she explains how to avoid those very pit falls, to make sure that your book has quality, a professional cover, and over all competence.

What’s Inside

Discussions on outlining, grammar, and marketing are key areas of focus for the book. But, I really liked the discussion on how to write a non-fiction book fast.

If you are thinking of writing a non-fiction book, this book needs to be in your tool kit!


Order Here: How To Write For Kindle

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Write a Step-by-Step Book $2.99

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On Writing Stephen King

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

If you are going to learn writing, it might as well be from someone who has a lot of successful books out there. Stephen King is a literary genius, for sure. Much of his advice follows other main stream writers and coaches, but some of it seems to fly in the face of conventional wisdom. The magic of this book is Stephen’s way of tying the advice into his history of a writer and what led him to the conclusions he proposes as good writing.

What I loved about his presentation of the book is that his process of creating a book revolves more around creating memorable characters, putting them in specific situations, then letting the characters work their way out of the problems.

Emphasis on Character

I have been taught many times to focus on the plot and the flow of the book. Stephen King looks at it differently with a greater focus on character development and handling the situation that the character finds himself in.

War on Adverbs

I also love the all out war on Adverbs. Apparently Adverbs are superficial and extraneous. They really aren’t needed, and should be avoided, according to King.

Best One-Liners

I love his one-liners: “The scariest moment is always just before you start.”  “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.” “Write with the door closed, rewrite with the door open.”

If I have ever read a book that was both informational and entertaining at the same time, this would be the book.

 See the book here:


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Write a Step-by-Step Book $2.99

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Skimlinks Test


Author Reveals Secrets to Getting Published Faster and Getting Better Response

New Book Release

Dean Giles an Amazon # 1 bestselling author, recently released his highly anticipated work, “Write a Step-by-Step Book.” The volume is loved for its simplicity and practical nature. It is being acclaimed as The Resource for anyone who is serious about being a non-fiction writer.


Nonfiction writers are unique in the world. They are the unsung heroes that are actually trying to make a difference in the world and the lives of other people. But many nonfiction writers find themselves frustrated by the writing process. Writing can be difficult and knowing how to research ideas, organize the ideas, and put those ideas into something that will really be useful can be an art form.

Most Authors Are Doing it Wrong

“Truthfully, most authors are doing it wrong, and it shows. If the process feels like going to the dentist, then you really are doing it wrong.”

Writing can be a natural and enjoyable thing. It can naturally lead to both self-fulfillment and good profits, but there are some simple steps that, if followed, can lead to a book that is better accepted and much more profitable.

Simple Steps To Success

Those simple steps are outlined in this easy-to-read, and straight-forward manual. “The key is in the discovery process and the focusing of the author’s effort in producing something that is exactly what the customer needs and presented it in a way that anyone can follow the advice.” Says, the author, Dean Giles.

Readers are attracted to books because of the promise of information. Many books are full of fluff and rhetoric. They never really get to the meat of the problem or how to go about implementing a solution. Writers that can truly identify those needs and spell out how to solve those problems one step at a time, will quickly gain a following and true fans of their work.

The book comes with an easy, step-by-step checklist that will guarantee that nothing is missed along the way.

Take Your Writing Up a Level

As an author, you can move your writing to the next level Step-by-Step, and enjoy the benefits of finishing a nonfiction book that really helps other people, is direct-to-the-point, and can be completed in less time than you ever imagined. Learn more at Write a Step-by-Step book by Dean Giles

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Write Your Own Bestseller

Bestseller Lists

There are a number of bestseller lists, the New York Times bestseller list, the USA Today bestseller list–but today, my favorite bestseller list is the Amazon Category Bestseller list!

I recently ran a promotion for one of my books, a Google Keyword Planner Book.

Get it here.


It had a number of sales after the promotion, and ended up as the #1 bestseller in TWO Categories.

How did I get there?

I kind of fell into the niche and topic. When Google announced they were going to do away with the Keyword Tool, I found myself, out of necessity, moving to the Keyword Planner, kicking and screaming the whole way.

I decided that I might be able to alleviate some of the pain that I experienced for someone else, so I wrote the book. I think that it has hit a sympathetic chord with a few other people out there.

I posted the book promotion to 41 Facebook Groups. The groups are listed in my Write a Step-by-Step Book, .

I also promoted the book on Fiverr, using a gig and a gig extra by bknight where they submitted my free book promotion to 15 free book sites, posted the free book to their blog, and sent out my promotion in their email. At the end of the promotion, the book was selling at a pretty good rate, that more than paid for the $10 spent on the promotion.

You Could Be a Bestselling Author

The opportunity to write a book and profit from it is better than it ever has been in history. I present a step-by-step method for creating non-fiction books that can sell, and I present it in a straight-forward, actionable manner. Although, my emphasis is around step-by-step books, the advice is effective, timeless, and can be used around any niche or genre. Just see for yourself, you might be surprise that you too can write a bestselling book.

Write a Step-by-Step Book, .

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Writing Your Own Book

Book Writing

You have a wealth of knowledge to share. You may not realize just how much you really do have to share, but think about this for a moment. What to people come to you for advice about? Are people looking for your guidance when it comes to relationships? Or maybe every day problems? Do they come to you about work related issues? Or maybe you have hobbies and interests that other people share. Do you have your own strategies for winning at bridge? Are you a chess player? Have you traveled places? What have you seen or done in your lifetime that others might find interesting?

Write a book

A Good Basis For Your Book

Any and all of the things I mentioned above could be a good basis for a book. Writing a book isn’t hard, but it does require discipline and work, the book doesn’t write itself. The key to writing a book is to dig into the things that you know and have an interest and passion about. What stories could you tell about your life? What obstacles did you encounter? What problems did you work through. If you experienced some difficulty with some aspect of your life, it is a sure guarantee that many other people have faced the same issues! You have something they want and need, one– a solution, and two a lot of encouragement. Most people simply need to know that they aren’t alone, that they aren’t traveling this path alone. A book by someone else can give them courage and help them persevere to achieving a solution.

Writing a Step-by-Step Book

That is where writing a Step-byStep book comes in. You can help a lot of people by writing an “instruction” manual. The truth is that when you are solving a problem, you don’t need hundreds of pages, you can cut right to the chase. Tell people in plain English how you solved your problem, the exact steps that you took, and how they can solve their problem the same way, by following your simple steps one at a time.

The beauty of this system is that you can break down most anything that you are good at doing into simple, easy to follow steps, that “anyone” can follow. And you have a working book!

Start Right Now

Start today, write your step-by-step book. I have written a step-by-step book on how to write a step-by-step book. Pick it up here and an incredibly low price, and an amazing value.

Pick up your copy today and start something that will create an asset that will bring you money each and every month.

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Book Smart Give Them What They Want

Give Them What They Want

These immortal words were penned by Churchill, sang by popular hit artists, and recently applied to marketing. In the world of authorship and writing books there could not be a better mantra.

It took John Locke some time to find his audience. His first book had a LOT of one-star reviews. But, once he found the people that loved his book, he sold a million eBooks in five months!

Mark Joyner, in the Great Formula, said, “Find a thirsty crowd, and sell them a glass of water.”


The trick to producing a book or product that sells, isn’t in necessarily finding the “silver bullet” of a topic, as it is finding an “audience” and delivering what they want. I love the imagery that Mark Joyner employs, as he talks about finding a thirsty crowd, then selling them a glass of water.

Where is Your Thirsty Crowd?

Where are the rabid fans that want what you have to deliver? That can be a tricky question. You may have to find them a few at a time and create an email list to cater to their needs. This seems to be a very successful model.

However, getting to a point where you have a following seems to be the real catch. Where do you find your potential customers, and how do you discover what it is that they need?

Finding Your Audience

The Internet has natural pockets of people that share common interests. Usually you can find some of the biggest websites catering to specific interests just by doing Google searches. The top pages returned will often be the ones with the most traffic. You can also search for forums on your chosen topic. There are lots of forums out there.

Now that you have found people interested in your topic, how do you find out what they really want or need? That can be a tricky question also. I find that searching for the threads that have the most views and/or responses tend to let you know what is on the minds of those on the forum. My suggestion is to find the biggest ones, become a member of the forum, and join in the discussion. At some point you can ask, “what are your biggest frustrations?” You want to narrow down their biggest pain points, then you can begin researching how best to help relieve that pain.

Now Give Them What They Want

At this point, you should be very empathetic. You should know a little bit about your audience. You should understand the questions that they are asking, and with a little research you should be able to give them the best answers available at this time. Do a good job with the research—make sure what you give them is actionable, and step-by-step if possible. Focus on solving a single problem, one that can make a good book title, or good sound-bite. That will help build your brand and your name recognition.

Your goal as a writer is to connect to your audience, pull them in, and help them out. If you can do that you will have people returning again, and again to get more of what they want from you. Be sure that your answers are as thorough as they need to be. I have heard Barbara Ling say, ”sell them what they want, but deliver what they need.” I think that is an important point. Often customers have an idea of what it is that they want, but they don’t know exactly what it is that they need. You have done the research, you should know what they need as well, and you have to deliver that.

Writing a book or an information product that sells depends on finding your audience, understanding them well enough, to give them what they want and what they need.

That is the formula in a nut shell. Now go out and put it into practice.

Are you ANGRY about Google Pulling their Keyword Tool?

Thrive with the new Keyword Planner: How to manual

Download the Cheat-Sheet Checklist

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